Why is Audra right for you?

Did you know there is over 650 muscles in the human body? Amazing? With my extensive training in anatomy and physiology, I can always find something that needs to be worked on, as I always tell my clients.
So, if you need strength training, pre/post rehab, stiffness due to chronic and acute pain and need help with flexibility. Maybe you just need some TLC...
I can help!!

You know Joe?

As a survivor of multiple heart surgeries and 15 years of teaching High School while visiting the gym on a regular basis, I began to realize adults are just big kids.
I started using the same instruction, learning, and modeling strategies to help adults improve their understanding of the human body, how it works, and what we must do to maintain strength, balance, and flexibility.
As a Certified Fitness Trainer, Golf-Fit Instructor, and an advanced Stretch Therapist, I am able to offer and provide unique-precision strategic programs to meet individuals needs and goals.

Meet Your Trainer